Friday, 26 March 2010


Just got back from Asda buying a few things for  'The Holiday'. The company is quite happy for you to buy as many cheap- laboured Tshirts and jeans as you can but if you want to buy more than two packets of paracetamol or ibuprofen you get stopped and asked, 'What are those for?' I hesitated in replying,
'I'm about to commit harikari with pills,' in case I was being filmed on CCTV. Instead I said, 'They're for Mexico', but that wasn't the right answer. So Rhys and I split up. I bought a month's supply of Ibuprofen at the Pharmacy and popped them in my handbag. He got stopped at the checkout with twice the allowed amount of Paracetamol, so paid for the allowance and then after a cup of coffee went back to the shelf, took another two packets of 500mg Paracetamol and went to the place where you can buy newspapers or do the lottery.
I guess it would be a bit stupid o/ding when you've just bought a lottery ticket.

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