Below is my little piece, set in a small plane. The characters, Jen, a middle-aged English woman and Mickey, a young New Zealander are harnessed together, about to do a skydive.
In Tandem
Two people, Mickey and Jen are harnessed together, one behind the other, in a small aeroplane, about to do a sky dive over Lake Wanaka, New Zealand
Jen I feel sick
Mickey That’s normal
Jen I’m not sure why I’ve signed up for this
Mickey Chill out, it’ll be a breeze
Jen It seemed like a good idea at the time. That Macmillan nurse was so persuasive
Mickey You doing this for charity?
Jen Yes
Mickey Good for you
Jen There’s no way you’d get me jumping out of a plane for pleasure.
Mickey Just wait
Jen It’s the waiting that’s been the problem
Mickey Once you you’re out there, fast falling
Jen I haven’t slept for the past week
Mickey You feel the G force
Jen It was all Lee’s idea at first
Mickey Lee’s the Macmillan nurse, yeah?
Jen No. Lee’s my daughter
Mickey Ah!
Jen She’s fourteen. We were supposed to be doing this together
Mickey Did she back out?
Jen She said it would take my mind off things
Mickey It’s often the brave ones who freak out at the last minute
Jen About the cancer
Mickey Does she have cancer?
Jen Lord, no! Well, not that we know of
Mickey That’s good. (pause) Hey, look out the window, you can see
Jen I’d rather not
Mickey Look, the pavillion. It looks tiny, doesn’t it?
Jen I’d rather not
Mickey Well, you’re missing great views of the lake
Jen I’m afraid of water
Mickey But you can swim?
Jen Well, if you can call doggy-paddle swimming.
Mickey Cos if we come down in water
Jen You’re a great help, Mickey
Mickey (laughs) Just pulling your leg. We’re not going to come down in water.
Jen I certainly hope not
Mickey Look at the mountains then –aren’t they beautiful with the light on them?
Jen We seem very close
Mickey No worries. The pilot’s had his licence for at least (pause) a week
Jen A week! Your literature said your pilots were all very experienced
Mickey(laughs)You are uptight, aren’t you?
Jen You Kiwis have a strange sense of humour. If I could see your face
Mickey Yeah, this talking to the back of your head malarkey, isn’t the politest
Jen We’re a ‘carcinogenic’ family, you see
Mickey Sorry?
Jen My Dad had lung cancer
Mickey You doing it for him, then?
Jen He died some years ago
Mickey (looking out the window) Mmm
Jen My Mum and her sister, my aunty Cath, had breast cancer
Mickey That’s rotten luck
Jen And her daughter, my cousin Rachel
Mickey Is your Mum, er?
Jen No, it was caught in time. She’s had the all clear for nearly five years.
Mickey That’s good news
Jen Well, yes, I suppose. What's that noise?
Mickey It's the engine
Jen It is ok, isn't it? (pause) It's so loud. I can hardly hear my own voice
Mickey It's the engine
Jen It is ok, isn't it? (pause) It's so loud. I can hardly hear my own voice
Mickey Come on, cheer up!
Jen What did you say? I didn't catch it
Jen What did you say? I didn't catch it
Jen Ah Yes, you’re right. I need to remain positive. This is a once in a lifetime experience
Mickey Nah. Once you’ve done it, you’ll want to do it again and again
Jen I don’t think so
Mickey Need to start getting ready
Jen Ooh! I’ve got butterflies
Mickey So have I!
Jen What's that smell?
Mickey Sorry, Jen. I've been trying to hold it in, but
Jen But you’ve done this loads of times before, right?
MIckey when I'm a bit nervous, I get
Jen I know, flatulent. (pause) I've been praying I wouldn't embarress myself
MIckey when I'm a bit nervous, I get
Jen I know, flatulent. (pause) I've been praying I wouldn't embarress myself
Mickey I have done a number of skydives, yeah
Jen That’s not what I asked
Mickey I wasn’t going to tell you
Jen Speak up! I can't hear you
Jen This is another idea of a joke, yes?
Jen This is another idea of a joke, yes?
Mickey Well, no actually, Jen
Jen Great!
Mickey You’ll be fine, don’t worry
Jen What about you?
Mickey (gulps) It’s my first as an instructor
Jen And you’re feeling nervous?
Mickey So, who is it you’re doing this for, Jen?
Jen Don’t avoid the question, Mickey
Mickey Come on, the pilot is motioning us to get near the door. Not so fast!
Jen (mutters) The noise. It's even worse. I'm shaking (Speaks up) It’s all right, Mickey
Mickey It was Nath’s first time when
Jen Maybe now’s not the right time to be thinking about
Mickey I know I shouldn’t be telling you this
Jen No, Mickey. Come on. It helps to focus on your breathing (pause) Nice and slow now
Mickey The parachute didn’t open and
Jen We don’t have to do it. We can stop. In fact
Mickey No, we’re doing it. Come on
(They slide together towards the open door.)
Jen Chin up, Mickey? Deep breath!
Mickey Just before they reached the ground he flipped himself over so he got the impact of the fall
Jen and saved his partner?
Mickey Yeah
Jen Look, Mickey, the sheep look like grains of rice
Mickey but he was my best mate and he died for
Jen You’re going to be fine.
Mickey But
Jen No buts. I saw how you checked and re-checked the equipment
Mickey Thanks, Jen
Jen Come on Mickey, that’s enough, LET’S DO IT!
(Throws herself and Mickey out of the plane)
Mickey & Jen together AAAAAAHHHH!
Janet Daniel
Jan 2011